Tuesday 26 June 2012

Our Song Choice and Artist

The artist we would like to do is Lewis Watson's song called 'Bones'. The link to the YouTube video is posted below:

Thursday 21 June 2012

Laps Around The Lake

One of the bands which we found were a 3 piece local band (Norwich, Norfolk, UK). Below is one of their songs called 'Dirty Talk' which was a possibility for us to use. The reason why we have not chosen to use this band for our music video is because, at approximately 0:51 when the drums begin alongside with the vocals and guitars, the vocals seem quite weak and quiet within the mix compared to the guitar and drums. This would be a difficult song to make a video for due to the feeble volume of the lyrics. It would be a struggle to synchronise the lyrics with the on-screen action and performance element.

Another song of theirs we were thinking of doing by Laps Around The Lake is called 'Shotgun'
This video is a live recording of a gig they played at a local venue.