Monday 21 January 2013

Initial Ideas for Digi-pack.

1 comment:

  1. We all evaluated your ideas in class the other day. This is a confidently presented slide show. Re your research it would be useful to add some evaluative comments about the cover art. You have done this with the Rage Against the Machine image but comments such as this with your other examples would be helpful.

    Re you planning.
    Panel 1 - an interesting idea with strong images. Take the shot at a low angle so that the images of the location and band are more impressive.
    Panel 2 ditto
    Panel 3 An image of the band in the centre of the design would add interest and creativity. We did look at other ways of manipulating this image.
    Panel 4 The lion is rather uninspiring and suggests heritage Britain rather than hard rock which arose from an anti establishment ideology. I suggest you do a photoshoot of urban locations which suggest contemporary grittiness rather than tradition. For example empty buildings, the mess in Anglia Square, metal doors of shops which have closed (adding context to your design, i.e. the recession).

    I'd suggest you lose the lion!!!!

    Keep up the good work James.
