Thursday 14 March 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product With Ancillary Text?

My music video has been especially designed to mix the two aspects of the band: the fun loving side and that they are actually serious about their music. This is achieved through the use of performance and the use of out-takes giving the video a slightly humourous side.

My print productions are relevant to the the music video because Panels 1, 2 and 4 are stills taken directly from the music video. This is incredibly appropriate because fans will be able to see the intertextual reference between the album art and the music video. This makes an audience feel clever and as if they are true/ loyal fans creating a certain status about themselves. This also fits into the theory of collective identity for they will be able to feel welcome amongst other fans of The Upgrade. It could be argued that Maslowe's Hierarchy of Needs is relevant here as fans will fit into the level of 'love/belonging' with their beliefs, views and values. (Maslowes hierarchy pictured below).

I believe I have created a coherent promotional package. In the digipack there is the use of such editing techniques as black and white, crossfading/ layering and yet is still relevant to the band. My digipack is posted below from Panel 1 through to 4.

Panel 1

Panel 2

Panel 3

Panel 4

Magazine Advert

There is a variety of different colours and none of the panels seem to draw too much attention away from the others. The typeface used within the digipack is simple standard font. This again is to make sure it is easy to read yet is eye catching if it were in a shop for example.When it is on a shelf in a shop it will be wrapped in cellophane thus the customer will only be able to view panels 1 and 4 (front and back). The writing is white which contrasts well to the black its written upon. Combining this with the neutral typeface means that it is easy to read quickly.

In terms of relating to Andrew Goodwins' theory, the band does not have any strong recurring visual motifs apart from their logo and style of music. The Upgrade have a style influenced by many genres from metal to funk yet their logo is the strongest image of the band. I have included their logo at the top of panel 4.

The target magazine that my magazine advert would appear in is strongly founded ones such as 'NME' and 'Kerrang!' magazine. These magazines specialise in creating publicity for rock and metal bands such as 'Bullet for my Valentine', 'Slipknot' and 'Green Day' through the process of reviews of newly released albums and concerts, interviews, merchandise, advertising and special features etc. 'The Upgrade' fit into the genre of metal and rock plus they are a new up and coming band with a lot of potential making them interesting to a large magazine helping new bands get into the industry by creating attention around them to the readers of their magazine.

Another rock/ metal band whose cover art relates to a released music video of theirs is 'GreenDay's '21st Century Breakdown'. The album cover is posted below:

The album cover keeps to the genre of rock/ metal by using the dark colours with the red connoting the anger of metal/rock yet could also represent love and passion since the main image on the cover is a young couple kissing. It has the style of graffitti which will help relate to their target audience demographic of young people aged roughly 15 - 24. However the album may be popular in the slightly older demographic because 'Greenday' formed in 1987 so have been playing for 26 years. Track 16 on this album is called '21 guns' and there is a screenshot which has been taken from the music video and manipulated to form the cover art.

I have used the same method of taking a screenshot from the music video, manipulating the colour hue and contrast levels and using it for Panel 1. The main colours used within my digipack

Panel 1
The shot which was originally taken from the video is below:

1 comment:

  1. A satisfactory response but not that well organised.

    1) You have a tendency to distance yourself from the question particularly in the two paragraphs after the magazine advert where you discuss the purpose of design choices.


    Explain links each Panel at a time and number your panels and add a caption to your magazine advert.

    2) I suggest you reorganise your answer around the structure I advised in an attachment to an email.

    3) Your reference to Maslowe's theory!! You should identify aspects of the theory that specifically apply to your music video. In other words you need to engage with the theory.

    4) Your final paragraph is fine.
