Wednesday 24 October 2012

Actors Costume Within Music Video

In our video we are trying to reflect the stereotypical costume of the Metal genre i.e. leather jackets and hoodies. The lead singer Solay is wearing a leather jacket and red trousers. The leather jacket is paying tribute to the old bands who use to use leather such as Steel Panther, Motley Crue. Although these bands are more hair/ glam metal, it is still a sub-genre of Metal. The red trousers are to connote the violence and anger associated with Metal. Metal is an incredibly angry genre (as i have previously explained in my post 'The Origins of Metal').

Below is a picture of Motley Crue displaying the fashion of leather. Wearing leather was seen as to be rebellious and against the norms which were being enforced on society.

The bass player, Sam, is infact a huge fan of the genre. He also is wearing a leather jacket. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of him from the back because on the back of his leather jacket are multiple badges of metal bands such as Iron Maiden, Slipknot and Rancid. These simply help to show his passion about this type of music. This could also influence the bands unique sound of Metal bass lines etc. Accompanying the leather jacket is black skinny jeans which again come from the hair/glam metal era.

Glam metal bands dress outrageously to rebel against society and make a statement. Hair and glam metal bands include bands such Skid Row and Kiss (pictured below).

Nick (the drummer of The Upgrade). Nick is not wearing a leather jacket however his jacket is black connoting the darkness of Metal such as the leather. Underneath that he is wearing a opened checkered shirt and a white t-shirt under that. The red checkered shirt could be influenced by genres such ans country and western.

The combination of their different characteristics influence their music as a band/as a whole. They have songs heavily influenced by funk, jazz, heavy rock, 1980's love ballads etc. This gives them a unique sound as a whole band which is a perfect unique selling point from a commercial point of view.

1 comment:

  1. Costume is proficiently explained, to strengthen you could add another post explaining how costume encourages a potential fan base to identify with The Upgrade and other metal bands.
