Thursday 4 October 2012

Possible Location Shots

The shots posted above are possible location shots. These were taken in Anglia Square, Norwich, Norfolk, UK. The mood/tone of video we are looking for is quite dark and unpleasant hence the graffiti and shattered glass. We are wanting our music video to have a very industrial and rough feel to it. A majoriy of shots we will hopefully be using will not be structured stationary shots but rugged handheld shots. We are planning to incorporate a handful of stationary shots to give the video a proffesional look but these will simply be used to fade in and out of.

The genre of metal is and always has been a very industrial and rough genre. We are simply trying to create a mise-en-scene within the music video to reflect this and conform to the metal stereotypes. This is why we are using multiple images of graffiti, abandoned office blocks and warehouses, run down areas of Norwich, Norfolk, UK.

One location we were incredibly interested in was the abandoned and derelict buildings scene in pictures 9, 10 and 11. Notice in picture 13 (one up from bottom) the very uniform looking lines of the layers of the car park. This building can be seen as very pleasant with this style of lighting e.g. blue sky contrasting the orange brickwork. However on the inside it appears incredibly vast and empty.

However our music video is going to be edited into black and white. So a shot like the one posted above, of the interior of the car park, actually looks like the picture edited below into black and white.

(The two pictures above of the interior of Anglia Square Car Park were not taken by me. These pictures were found on websites. The top one was taken from '' and the bottom one was taken from ''. I am including this additional information so as to avoid plagiarism issues.)

1 comment:

  1. Impressive shots James but your evaluation of the shots lacks any references to genre and inter textual references, for example the similarity of your shots to the mise-en-scene in Africa Shox.
    We have discussed the origins of metal rock thus you need to indicate why these specific locations are generic and would thus appeal to the audience.

